21 Questions for David Merrell

By Pauline Parry
One of my favorite Sunday reads is a funny little piece that sometimes runs in the New York Times Magazine. The writer asks someone well known about those little things in their life – what’s in their fridge, what’s one of their most favorite objects in their home and why – you get the idea.
I thought it would be fun to ask the same from time to time of people in the industry and I’m starting with David Merrell, president and creative director of AOO Events in Los Angeles and lead dawg on his popular three-year old blog, designdawgs.net.
How would you describe your home?
Warm, inviting, completely me, and designed for entertaining. I completely re-did my entire home and doubled the size in the last year and a half, so it’s designed with parties in mind. Go figure!
What is your favorite object in it and why?
My couch in the TV room. I designed and had is custom built special for lounging, it’s a huge monstrosity that is all down. The problem is that it's too comfortable. I can hardly ever get through an entire movie without falling asleep on it.
What’s your favorite time of day?
Dusk. I don’t know whether it was because I was born at 7:32 in the evening, but something about that “magic hour” of light before it goes completely dark that makes me pause and notice every time.
Do you have a lucky shirt or something you wear when you are going into a big meeting?
It’s not a shirt or something I wear; it’s a rock I keep in my pocket -- a polished turquoise rock (pictured at right). Every time I touch it I am reminded to be grateful for the life that I have and the people that are in my life. I don’t believe in luck, I believe in fate.

What fashion designer do you find you wear the most?
OK, I am all over the place. But a lot of my clothes are egocentric. I have every pair of Merrell shoes there is practically, for obvious reasons. I mean, if your name was on everything, would you not wear it, like its custom made for you? All my suits, every one of them, are custom made for me. I have a great friend who sells high-end men’s fabrics, and an ex who is a great designer. All my suits are custom made for me, no labels.

How would you describe your personal fashion style?
If it were up to me, it would be cargo pants and a T-shirt all the time. I like to be comfortable. But that is not how I dress. According to my Director of Marketing, I have a reputation to uphold -- damn! So, my look is conservative but trendy, casual but stands out, very Americana and completely age appropriate. That says everything and nothing, doesn’t it?

And your design style?
Interesting question, as I didn’t really consider myself having a style. But as I look at my house and the events that I get to put my signature stamp on it would be contemporary with mid-century modern leanings.
Do you feel they match?
Absolutely they match and tie in. I never thought of myself as having a personal style, but as my colleagues and friends have pointed out more and more that I do. I hear “that is so Dave Merrell” all the time now. It’s reflected in how I live, look and act. By no means was it ever contrived, it’s just me.
What is your favorite reality show obsession and why?
I’m hooked on American Idol and The Voice because I used to be a vocalist myself. But my all-time obsession is So You Think You Can Dance. The choreographed numbers that they turn out from week to week never cease to amaze me.
What’s your favorite meal and beverage after a long event?
After a long event, I usually can’t eat. I just collapse. But my favorite beverage would be Stella Artois -- the best beer in the world as far as I'm concerned.

What is the one thing you’d like to accomplish in life – big or small?
I would love to produce a mega event in China and Russia. I’m not sure why, I just want to.
In this past year, what was your biggest accomplishment professionally?
Despite these crazy economic times, my brand, reputation and product seem to be thriving. I think it’s the years of protecting and nurturing the company that have done it. But even though we are all $-challenged right now, I know that reputation is what will sustain me. Just to get through these times, staying in business in what is considered somewhat of a discretionary expense I consider a huge accomplishment.
What’s been your favorite event to design and why – of your career?
There are quite a few that I am very proud of, but the charities that I design and have executive produced are my favorites. Being responsible with the spending, creating something that is still cutting edge while being responsible, emanating the charities image and mission statement through the décor and live show, and knowing that the value is so great that the charity is gaining momentum every year and getting larger and large participation. That’s giving back in a way that many cannot, and I feel privileged to be able to do it.

Dream Foundation ...
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute ...

...and the Heart Foundation have always been my babies!
What sport and team is near and dear to you?
There are only two college football teams that matter in life, Ohio State and University of Dayton.
There is only one baseball team that matters in life, the Cleveland Indians. And only on pro-football team, the Cleveland Browns. I'm a die-hard fan from Ohio and believe me, if you know anything about pro baseball and pro football, you've got to be a die-hard to be a Browns and an Indians fan!
What sport(s) do you play?
I played football for University of Dayton, I was a three-year letterman on a National Championship Team. I've also been an avid golfer since I was seven years old and a skier since I was 12.
What is your favorite band?

Steely Dan is No. 1 and Supertramp is No. 2.
Where did you most recently go on holiday?
Just got back from Miami. I love Miami. I try to go out of the country at least once per year. The international city I've been the most is Barcelona.
When you are on holiday, what book would we find you reading? Magazine?
I haven’t read a book in years! It would be a magazine, most likely any architectural or lifestyle magazine. I find my creative mind flourishes whenever I have vacation time, so I put it to good use by grabbing every magazine I can in these categories and tearing out tons of pictures like a bride would!
What would surprise us to learn about you?
I was a very well-known aerobics instructor for years. I had quite a following. I was like a drill instructor or my college football coach. Maybe it was the tight Spandex pants I always wore (hey, it was the ‘80s and early ‘90), maybe it was the awesome music, maybe it was the routines, but I had quite the following. People still recognize me from time to time and come over to talk to me.
What have you learned from your father?
Competitiveness, fairness, responsibility.
And from your mother?
Compassion, caring, and humbleness.
Anything else you’d like to answer that I haven't asked?
Yes! The question I get from every female friend of mine. . . Are you sure you are gay?
I may drive an American muscle car (above...in front of my contemporary house I mentioned earlier), love Steely Dan and barbecuing and I can’t get enough of football and all sports, yet I am, just not your typical one!